The VvE Solar Coach

1 in 10 homes in the Netherlands is an apartment in an Homeowners’ Association (HOA; VvE in Dutch). There is clearly a great opportunity here to accelerate energy savings. Only, how do you entice a group of individuals with varied needs to take steps collectively? How do you get a group of residents to take action?

The solar coach

Research shows that HOA members often drop out because of the diffuse process. They also doubt whether they will recoup the investment in time. Our solution The Solar Coach guides collectives legally, economically and technically. We are now seeing more and more solar panels on HOA roofs.

Your role within the collective

From needs research among HOA members, we developed a set of 4 personas. Each persona represents the needs of a group of people and is unique in terms of sustainable motivation and role within the collective. This persona set was the starting point for concept development of the HOA solar coach, which we developed in co-creation with stakeholders. The HOA Solar Coach guides HOAs. From advice, decision-making to the selection of the best installer.

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