What we do
Our Services
Every challenge is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs based on the building blocks below. In doing so, we provide you with a framework for the process, enabling us to collaboratively find the best possible solution.

Design of innovative concepts
In co-creation, discover and design in detail new solutions, for example, for behavioral change or a sustainable and pleasant living environment. View a sample project of design of innovative concepts:
The VvE Solar Coach
Needs assessment and customer experience
Find out experiences and needs, structure and visualize insights into clear frameworks, and identify short- and long-term opportunities for innovation. View a sample needs assessment and customer experience project:
Key moments Longer at Home
Innovation by theme
With diverse content and creative partners, collectively make an impact on a current social challenge. View a sample project of innovation by theme:
Making retirement tangible
Develop a shared vision of a social challenge by allowing people to experience the future in alienating ways. View a sample project of future experiences:
Preparing the Netherlands for informal care
Service innovation
Design and improve services and customer experience from the experiences and needs of the target audience. View a sample project of service innovation:
PostNL's retailers
Muzus Academy
Workshops and training for every sector to learn to think and act like a designer. Find out what we offer:
Go to Muzus Academy